Welcome to the After-Party!

Hello friend, You must be here for the after-party. Who sent you? What is the password? Nevermind that. This here blog is to keep you up on what's going on at the Historic State Theatre. In the near future this space will be the vein that carries the blood of the theatre to you, from our shows to our Monday Movie Nights to our dance parties and everything you can interpolate and extrapolate. Expect pictures, videos, interviews, live feeds, contests, promotions, hugs, tears, cups of coffee with kindergarten sweethearts, late nights in strange places and everything that comes along with the night life round heeyah. Follow along and drink what we pour. But be careful not to leave your glass unattended. Our stuff is safe, but you never know when some sailor is only in town for the night. I've seen it a thousand times... ...Anyway.
Toodle-oo! <3,>


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